Hook Hen

Wildlife Garden AB

A3 / F 44

A Practical Wall Hook Featuring an Authentic Wood-carved Hen

Our wood-carved hooks help you organise your kitchen, bedroom or hallway and add a playful yet practical touch to your home. Using the keyhole bracket on the back, you can easily place the hook wherever you want to hang anything, from kitchen towels to dog leads or bathrobes. The hooks are beautiful as standalone pieces, but they also look great as a group, bringing a touch of nature into your home.

About the hen

The domesticated hen is mainly descended from the red junglefowl, which is found in the wild in the Oriental region. It is not entirely clear when the domestication of the hen began, but it is known that there were domesticated junglefowl in Asia as early as 8000 years ago.

Chickens are gregarious birds that have a hierarchy in the flock that affects, for example, who gets the best places to eat and sleep. Hens communicate with over 30 different sounds to convey messages, such as egg-laying, nesting and warnings, among other things.

Handmade Hooks from Wildlife Garden

The hand-carved hooks are artistic yet authentic depictions of animals, birds and plants. Each head is a genuine wooden craft piece and is decorated with eco-friendly paint with a unique expression, attached to a metal hook. The bronze-coloured hook can hold a maximum load of 10 kg. All hooks come with a short informative booklet about the species.

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Ängelholmsvägen 263 , 26942 Bastad, SE
+49 (0) 431 76800
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