Marke • Brand

Tell Me More

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Welcome to Tell Me More! Tell Me More is a Swedish interior company that designs and manufactures its own collections of home decor, hemp rugs, crockery and textiles. We are inspired by nature where a Scandinavian style sets the framework. We strive for the simple way of living, and we get inspired by the elements of nature. Our overall idea is to create products that can be used and loved in your everyday life for a long period of time. By working with natural materials of high quality and with shapes and colours that are timeless, we make products that survive fleeting trends and seasonal changes. We want our products to become a natural part of your home and the stories that are being created.

Decorations & Accessories, Home & Textiles

Bettwäsche, Decken und Plaids, Dekoartikel, Duftkerzen, Festschmuck, Gedeckter Tisch, Glaswaren, Kerzenhalter, Kissen und Zierkissen, Porzellanwaren, Raumschmuck, Stoffservietten und Küchentücher, Teppich, Tischwäsche, Töpfe, Trinkgläser, Wohntextilien

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