Terms of Service

Only trade visitors (not the general public) are admitted to the fair. The check-in-card is the authorized credential for trade visitors from the indicated sectors and permits the bearer to purchase admission tickets. The check-in-card is valid only with a complete address, company stamp and signature of the specialist trader. By signing, bearers oblige themselves to purchase goods only for resale. In the interest of the trade, visitors may be required to provide proof of trade to the retail association or the trade fair organizer (TrendSet GmbH).

Your contractual partners and organizer of the exhibition:

Order Processing, Credit Card Processing, Bank Direct Debiting, Invoicing, Delivery and Delivery Handling
TrendSet GmbH
Ismaninger Straße 63
81675 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 4622465-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 4622465-50
Mail info@trendset.de
Web: www.trendset.de

Concept, design, programming
Robert-Bürkle-Straße 3
D – 85737 Ismaning
Telefon: +49 (0)89 962286-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 962286-76
Mail: team@increon.com
Web: www.increon.com

1. Right of withdrawal for consumers for contracts concerning the use of digital content

We deliver according to our terms of delivery and payment. Orders are considered accepted by us only when confirmed by us. The order confirmation is carried out by electronic mail.

In the case of distance sales contracts (contracts in which the businessperson or a person acting in his/her name or on his/her behalf and the consumer use exclusively a means of distance communication for the contract negotiations and the conclusion of the contract), consumers are generally entitled to a statutory fourteen-day right of revocation. A consumer in the sense of § 13 BGB (German Civil Code) is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes which can predominantly neither be attributed to his/her commercial activity nor his/her activity as a self-employed professional.

Expiry of the right of revocation

According to § 356 Abs. 5 (Section 5) BGB (German Civil Code) your right of revocation expires if TrendSet has begun with the execution of the contract after you have

  • expressly agreed that we shall commence with the execution of the contract before the expiry of the revocation period, and
  • confirmed that you were aware that you would lose your right of withdrawal by giving your consent to the commencement of the execution of the contract.

2. Delivery and shipping

The delivery is carried out at the cost and risk of the orderer ex works. The shipping is carried out by TrendSet GmbH.

3. Prices

All prices include legally applicable value added tax and exclude shipping and handling costs.

4. Payment

We deliver according to our terms of delivery and payment. Orders are considered accepted by us only when confirmed by us. The order confirmation is carried out by electronic mail.

  • Payment by instant bank transfer
  • Payment by credit card
  • Payment by automatic debt transfer system
  • Payment by PayPal

5. Data protection

This is where we have detailed exact information about how your personal information and data are handled. This information will be continuously adapted to new conditions, especially those of a legal nature.
